Crop Storage Research Facility

CHAP’s crop storage research unit is based at Sutton Bridge in Lincolnshire. It provides research, expertise and training for the crop storage industry and specialises in potato and other field vegetable or top fruit storage for producers, supply chains and the broader industry.

In a world with a fast-growing population and limited resources, agriculture is constantly being challenged to produce more food while using natural resources more efficiently.

Making the most of post-harvest storage is an important priority, ensuring there is year-round continuity of food supply and maximising returns for farmers. The UK’s largest stored crop is potatoes, with more than three million tonnes in storage each year. However, up to one sixth of this is lost due to wastage and the landscape for maintaining crop quality through disease control and sprout suppression is changing so further research is needed to define optimum storage regimes for the future.

Our services include:

  • Top quality storage research in an environment free of chemical residues using a range of new experimental stores with state-of-the-art capabilities
  • On-site training facilities to provide the storage industry with up to date information and research.

The stores will be used as part of an on-going strategic focus to deliver relevant, efficient and cost-effective storage solutions for crop production systems to meet the markets’ quality, regulatory and sustainability targets. All the work at SBCSR can be quality assured to ISO 9001 and the site is an Officially Recognised Efficacy Testing Organisation for data submission to the Chemicals Regulation Division of HSE.

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