Innovations to feed the future

We are CHAP, one of four UK Agri-Tech Innovation Centres. We bring together scientists, farmers, advisors and pioneers to advance crop productivity and yield around the world.

Welcome to CHAP


CHAP’s vision is for the UK to be a global leader in the development of applied agri-technologies to help secure our future by nourishing a growing population sustainably while delivering economic, environmental and health benefits to society.


We build networks of leading scientists, farmers, advisors, innovators and businesses to understand industry priorities, develop innovative solutions and translate them into the field to ensure market adoption.


To increase crop productivity for future generations through the uptake of new technologies in agriculture. We bring together leading scientists, farmers, advisors, innovators and businesses to understand industry challenges, drive research and innovation, and develop and trial solutions that transform crop systems. We work with pioneers to translate and promote the solutions for market adoption and improved productivity.


Innovation: we seek out pioneering ideas and better ways of working
Synergy: we build on positive collaborative partnerships
Inspiration: we believe in a better future through advanced technology, sustained productivity and affirmative environmental impact
Trust: we work confidently, professionally and assuredly in all we do


CHAP will contribute to this vision by acting as a unique, independent nexus between UK government, researchers and industry, building innovation networks to identify and accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions to drive incremental, transformative and disruptive changes in sustainable crop productivity and to establish controlled environment agriculture (CEA) as a core competency.  We will bring together our partners (public and private sector players in the UK agri-tech arena and beyond) to design and implement multi-disciplinary, cross-organisational collaborative initiatives and projects to tackle major intractable challenges in food production in new ways. We will develop networks that stimulate new opportunities for collaboration, innovation and business, and provide a platform for knowledge exchange. To support these initiatives and projects, in conjunction with our partners we will continue to provide open access, state of the art facilities, run by world-class experts, that can also provide contract research capabilities dedicated to transforming crop health and protection. We will continue build and run commercial demonstrators that exemplify the potential and benefits of new technologies to accelerate their adoption. Find out more…